NewsNow E-Edition March 13 2025 – View Online

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Four-way race for Grimsby mayor’s seat

Grimsby residents will have their work cut out for them with four candidates vying for the mayor’s seat.

Bentley RobertBOB BENTLEY

Life-long Grimsby resident, married with two grown children. Retired from Arcelor Mittal Dofasco after 41 years.

Bob has 20 years elected experience with 11 as mayor. His experience includes regional councillor for 17 years and current member of Corporate Services, Public Works and Audit committees, director of Niagara Power, Grimsby Power and Grimsby Energy.

Bob is a recipient of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for contributions to community and country. He is a two-time Reader’s Choice award winner for Favourite Politician.


Wayne Fertich was an alderman in Grimsby from 1998 to 2010. He served as deputy mayor for three terms of council. He is married to Mae Anne and has two grown children and two grandsons.

He was the owner of the Gables Restaurant in Grimsby from 1992 to 2008.

robertgreccoROBERT GRECO

Robert was born in Toronto, grew up in Burlington and moved to Grimsby 15 years ago. Married for 22 years, he has three children ages 15, 12, and 9. Growing up in the food and hospitality industry, he was part owner/operator of two family restaurants in Oakville and Burlington. After about 30 years, he sold off his businesses and in 2008 began a real estate career.


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