Measles is now circulating in Niagara – residents could be exposed to measles anywhere. It is a highly contagious disease and Niagara Region Public Health is strongly recommending that all residents update their vaccinations now to be best protected.
As of Monday, there were five confirmed cases in the Niagara Falls area but the health department is warning that it could show up anywhere and more cases are expected.
Niagara’s first confirmed case of measles was announced earlier this month as a woman in her early 20s who was not vaccinated against the virus.
Niagara public health officials have posted warnings about two Niagara Falls schools — Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Saint Michael High School — where measles could have been transmitted to students, teachers and parents.
Public health officials are asking anyone who attended or visited Our Lady of Mount Carmel between Feb. 9 and 10 and Saint Michael High School between Feb. 6 and 10 to watch for symptoms of measles until March 3.
If you are not vaccinated against the measles, you can: book an appointment with your doctor or health care provider; call Public Health at 905-688-8248 ext. 7425 (toll free: 1-888-505-6074) or attend a vaccination clinic
Symptoms of Measles: fever of 38.3° C (101° F) or greater, cough, runny nose and red/watery eyes, a red blotchy rash.
Persons who have measles need to isolate themselves while they are ill and for four full days
after the rash first appears.
Complications of measles can include middle ear infections, pneumonia, croup and inflammation of the brain.
Those at risk include anyone who has not had their age-appropriate vaccines; infants under one year of age; pregnant women; and persons with weakened immune systems are more likely to get very ill with measles.