Good reader, by the time you read this we may, or may not, be fully relocated to 1 Mountain Street in Grimsby.
While trying to juggle a ClubWest Magazine deadline and a couple of NewsNow editions we have managed to renovate and prepare the new office thanks to the helpful hands of many.
Once this edition is to bed, we will be finalizing a plethora of office details, preparing to move desks and such Thursday and possibly Friday.
This is mentioned as we are not sure where if there will be any phone downtime. We will put call forward on if we see it coming so your calls may come to a staff person’s cell phone. We could have some delays in getting back to callers about anything from invoicing, ad inquiries or community event details.
It will be a hodgepodge, but the good news is, by Monday we should be able to settle and take our first forward step in months. We thank you for your patience and we look forward to serving you, good reader, for decades more to come.