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Community rallies to support devastated homeowners

By Mike Williscraft


Both the home and the home owners, after fire ripped through their Reg. Rd. 69 home on May 4.

“It was the night of all that wind. Our lights had flickered off and on all day, but that is normal. That always happens,” said home owner Ed Przygoda.

“I was trying to watch the news and the cable kept cutting out. It stayed off for a long time, so I thought I would go outside. I could smell burning plastic, but could not see anything at first.”
After stepping away from the door and taking a look around the corner of his house, Ed realized he had a problem.
“Then I could see smoke,” he said.
Ed went back inside to call the fire department but the phones were dead. A woman passing by stopped when she saw the smoke and called it in on her cell phone.
With high winds whipping flames hir anghed farther, the nearby barn also caught fire and burned to the ground as well.
“It’s overwhelming,” said Ed, attempting to hold back tears.
As he clarified that comment, it was clear Ed did not only mean the fire itself, but the manner in which the community has rallied to support him.
“My friends and neighbours have been incredible, lots of help and offers of assistance,” noted Ed.
The home was the only one Ed has ever known as his parents settled there when they emigrated from Poland during the Great Depression.
“The things you lose, things that mean a lot like photos, kids’ toys, books, recipes, you can’t replace those things,” said Ed as he took a break from clean up.
“The people have just been so nice, all our friends and neighbours. When I think about it, it makes me cry. They’re all good people, but this (their response) has been too much. They’re too good for me.”
That is decidedly not the way in which the community views the Przygodas’ situation.
“Who’d have thought you’d ever see this in downtown Silverdale?” shouted one man as he made his way into a barbecue set Friday evening at Silverdale Community Centre.
The hall was packed with people wanting to support the Przygodas.
“When someone is in need, this community comes together,” said Chris Frere, who helped organize the barbecue.
And Ed would be the first one to agree with that.
“The most valuable thing a person can have is good friends. I have more than I ever knew,” said Ed, pointing out Bruce Comfort as he went through rubble in the burned out basement.
“He is the first one here and last one to leave. I just cannot say enough about him and all those who have helped.”
A gofundme page has been opened on behalf of the Przygodas. Go to:

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