NewsNow E-Edition January 16 2025 – View Online

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Lincoln firm offers a homegrown solution to cannabis odour

By Mike Williscraft

While there are many firms which may be able to offer a potential solution to cannabis odour issues, Lincoln may have a homegrown remedy.
When Paul Muldowney and Jim Calagoure read a story in the Sept. 26 edition of NewsNow relating to extensive odour issues in Jordan and Vineland, they called the newspaper office to say they believe they have just the trick.
The duo’s company has Canadian rights to a product used in a misting system which, Muldowney claims, could solve the current array of odour problems faced not just by Vineland/Jordan residents, but anywhere.
“We are 100 per cent confident our system could solve the problem,” said Muldowney, noting it is already being used to solve odour issues at landfills.
Essentially, a patented solution is diluted with water and run through a mister.
“Components attach themselves to the odour causing agents coming from the cannabis greenhouses and neutralize them,” said Muldowney.
Calagoure noted the misters are designed to be external to greenhouses, but can be linked internally to exhaust fans for facilities growing in winter months.
“That way the air exiting is neutralized and nothing can freeze,” said Calagoure.
Lincoln CAO said the municipality would follow up with the duo, whose business is located in Beamsville.
“There are a few odour mitigation specialists that claim they can help establish measurable parameters and put in place mitigation measures. We have recently received a call from one of these and staff do plan on reaching out again to hear the potential,” said Kirkopoulos.
Muldowney said there are measures which can be taken but noted there are no guidelines at the federal level and until regulation is law, very few companies will take the extra step to deal with odour if they don’t have to do so.
He added that, relative to cost of start-up and running a grow operation, the mister is not overly expensive. He said a large greenhouse might hit six figures for installation. The cost to operate would be about $210/day.
With respect to the Maple Leaf Nurseries in Jordan – the subject of the Sept. 26 story, Kirkopoulos said the cannabis on that site has been removed.
While the grower did have a proper license, the new location was subject to the Lincoln’s interim control bylaw implemented in January 2019.
“The ICB prohibits any cannabis cultivation or production for one year. That applies to any (grow operations that weren’t already in existence prior to the bylaw,” said Kirkopoulos.
“They weren’t allowed to grow any. The bylaw prohibited even one. So the amount even though they had a license and were growing within it, was irrelevant. Within an ICB any growing is prohibited.”

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