NewsNow E-Edition December 26 2024 – View Online

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Calm, kind, responsible community response urged for COVID-19

A woman smiles from accross a grocery aisle of apples.
With three kids “who don’t stop eating” and her mom, 70, who is on oxygen, Beamsville resident Jacqueline Swart knows how vulnerable some family members can be and urges everyone to be responsible, kind and calm. McDonald – Photo

By Joanne McDonald
For NewsNow

Beamsville resident Jacqueline Swart has been calm and pragmatic in her response to the rapidly changing landscape around COVID 19.

But she is also realistic and responsible for the health of her family. Monday, ahead of the announcement she knew was coming from the federal government regarding coronavirus restrictions being put in place, she joined the crowd at the grocery store buying supplies to weather whatever news was ahead.

With three kids “who don’t stop eating,” and her mom, 70, who is on oxygen, Swart knows how vulnerable some family members can be and she urges everyone to be responsible for seniors and other at risk people in the community.

“I’m responsible but I am calm. Everybody should be calm too.” Swart said. “We must all be responsible for the vulnerable people in the community.”

Swart urges all to be good neighbours – pick up groceries for local seniors, be kind to store employees. “It’s the panic I don’t want to see.”

And she reminds all West Niagara residents of their good fortune to live in a region that has an abundance of locally grown food – greenhouse produce, chickens, eggs and other agricultural commodities.

This call to sober action was echoed by Lincoln Mayor Sandra Easton in a recent statement.

“This is a time to show compassion for one another, to lead with courage, make tough calls and support our neighbours,” said Easton.

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