With more than 100 listings at its launch, shoplincoln.ca is ready to roll.
The new website – coordinated by the Town of Lincoln – will act as an online directory to help consumers find what they need.
“It is a response to COVID-19 for small- and medium-sized businesses which have been adversely affected in the last two months,” said Paul Di Ianni, Lincoln economic development officer.
The site combines efforts from several entities, including Twenty Valley Tourism Association, Ontario Craft Wineries, and the Beamsville Business Improvement Area.
The site divides businesses listed into various categories to make the search process easier. All listings are free to Lincoln businesses.
“A user can search for wineries or restaurants, for example,” said Di Ianni.
The shoplincoln.ca site is not an e-commerce site, rather it is more like a referral, he added.
“You can learn a little bit and then it forwards the person to the business’s website.”
Di Ianni noted any business wanting to participate would have to have its own site to act as a landing page.
“We are building our contact portion of the website, so there will be a form for people to fill out but people can call me any time for more information,” said Di Ianni. Call Di Ianni at 905-563-2799, ext. 272.