Town of Lincoln officials took to the streets last Friday to give out face shields to the business community with a huge response.
Paul Di Ianni, Lincoln’s economic development officer, said the shields were very well received. “The response as been huge,” said Di Ianni.
“Businesses throughout Lincoln have been calling and emailing non-stop for the face shields.”
Town of Grimsby and Grimsby DIA launched a program about two weeks ago and the interest continues to rise there.
Twp. of West Lincoln is working to find a way to place an order this week to get shields into their community.
“At this point we are providing them free of charge to businesses in Lincoln, as it is part of our economic recovery plan to help businesses reopen and to provide a level of safety and comfort for both employees and customers alike,” said Di Ianni.
“On Friday we distributed close to 150 face shields and have placed an additional order for 150 more, which should be arriving Thursday or Friday. Comments and feedback from business owners and operators last Friday was overwhelmingly positive – thankful that the Town is undertaking this initiative to support our business community.”
He added that the business operators like the quality of the product as well.
“They are also thankful that the shields are easy to use, comfortable and provide a level of safety that will make employees and customers feel safe to work and shop in Lincoln,” he said.
Well over 100 calls and pre-orders have come into NewsNow’s office requesting shields in addition to the two provided free of charge to each business. Drew Gall of Wood Workers Unite delivered additional shields earlier this week, so they are now available at a cost of $6.78 per shield – an at-cost price at NewsNow’s office.
“The office is open 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday so people can drop in any time and pick up as many as they choose. We are preferring cash so we don’t have to run a ton of small transactions through our accounting system but if people want to pay with credit card they are welcome to do so,” said NewsNow publisher Mike Williscraft
“Drew Gall and his team at Wood Workers have been great. They’ve essentially given us the shields on consignment and we’ll balance things weekly.”