NewsNow E-Edition December 26 2024 – View Online

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Public Health continues to enhance data reporting on COVID-19 website with new monitoring indicators

As Niagara carefully proceeds through Stage 2 of the Province’s reopening framework, Public Health is carefully monitoring for signs of COVID-19 resurging.
Niagara Region Public Health and Emergency Services is making available the metrics that are are monitoring through a continued enhancement of the data section of our COVID-19 website​. Visitors will now be able to see a number of additional statistics, including
  • Enhanced case growth trends, including on hospitalizations and outbreaks
  • Public Health’s performance in case management and contact tracing
  • Hospital capacity to handle a surge in cases
  • Performance of the Province’s testing strategy among Niagara residents
In addition, more details are provided around outbreaks, providing more insight into what has constituted the majority of Niagara’s cases.
Public Health will continue to release additional statistics to keep residents informed with the most important data through new phases of the pandemic, as long as numbers allow sufficient reliability and anonymity.
Contact Niagara Region Public Health by calling 905-688-8248 press 7, then press 2 or toll-free 1-888-505-6074 in the case of a fever, new or worsened cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat, runny or congested nose (not allergies), or chills. COVID-19 is often very mild, and minor symptoms should not be ignored.
The best way to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including COVID-19 is to:
  • Wash hands often with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand rub
  • Practice physical distancing by avoiding close interaction with others (stay 2 metres apart)
  • Wear a cloth face covering in public when physical distancing cannot be maintained
  • Limit trips into the community to specific purposes (e.g., shopping, dining, particular recreational activities), since extra time outside of the home adds to crowds and makes it more difficult for others to physically distance
  • Stay home when sick
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeve
  • Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces daily. Use a disinfectant and follow manufacturer’s instructions.
As this is an evolving situation, regional officials continue to remind everyone the importance of using credible sources to stay informed. The website website is updated frequently as new information is confirmed. All Niagara residents are encouraged to visit the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage.

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