By Mike Williscraft
A sign posted on Main Street East in Grimsby has town hall in a flap.
The sign read, “Who speaks for the people of Ward 3?” Ward 3 councillors are John Dunstall and Randy Vaine.
Last week, Clerk Sarah Kim said only a sign complaint generates action from bylaw officers. Kim was only involved since it was said to be an election sign. Other sign bylaw matters come under Antonietta Minichillo, Grimsby’s director of planning, building and bylaw.
Now, it appears bylaw officers will target any sign not affixed to a building with the issue being on this coming Monday’s council agenda.
“As I mentioned in our call last week, upon further review, it was determined that this was not an ‘election’ sign, but rather a sign under our signs bylaw. Upon review, our bylaw department determined this is a ‘portable sign’ under bylaw 97-45. In accordance with the provisions of that bylaw, no person shall erect, locate or install a portable sign on lands zoned residential or rural,” said Kim.
Meanwhile, more signs have been popping up around town, many in locations other than Ward 3.
“The Signs By-law #97-45 does not allow for portable signs to be erected on residential or rural properties, and therefore is a breach of the By-law,” said Henry Boese, Grimsby’s coordinator of municipal law enforcement and property standards.
“Enforcement will be handled on a complaint basis. The first step will be an educational approach with a letter that explains this certain section of the By-law, and my contact information if they have any further questions.