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Dianne Rintjema, Ward 1, Lincoln 2022

Dianne Rintjema











Dianne Rintjema, Ward 1, Lincoln 2022

I appreciate the opportunity to share 500 words on the topic of my choice. The following focuses on my values, and on points which are priorities for me: proactivity and preparedness, and consistent two-way communication and community engagement.


I understand the need for planning for long-term and focusing on establishing a strong base from which to work. Running a local government organization is complex and there are typically many wheels turning concurrently and sometimes rapidly shifting priorities (as we experienced during these last years of the COVID pandemic).

Crucial for any municipality is to have in place strong visioning documents and master plans related to capital projects and provision of services generally, and strong policies establishing consistent and well thought out processes. These not only ensure that Council and staff have documents against which to check each step and decision along the way to make certain that there is true progress as opposed to unmeasured unproductive activity, but also go a long way toward ensuring upper levels of government look favorably upon funding applications (In the last 7 years Town of Lincoln staff have secured roughly 57 million dollars in funding).

During this last term for example, Council established the following plans/documents that help set and keep the municipality on the right course.

1. 2019 – 2022 Council Priorities: Strategic Plan for a Future Fit Lincoln

2. Town of Lincoln Transportation Master Plan

3. Fire Services Master Plan

4. Asset management plan
5. Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw
6. Climate Change Adaptation Plan
7. Active Transportation Strategy

8. Reserve Fund Policy

9. Industrial Lands and Rural Areas Community Improvement Plan
10. Parks Recreation and Culture Master Plan
11. The Tourism Strategy and Action Plan

A poem that always rang true for me (no pun intended) was written by John Donne in 1624 in which he describes the practice of tolling a bell when someone in the community dies. He says that no one should ask to know for whom the bell tolls – Each person’s death diminishes all of us for we are connected as mankind and therefore the bell “tolls for thee”. It is from this basis, belief, and conviction that I listen to you and make decisions on your behalf.


Great communication is a great start – I understand that leadership is not just making the decisions on your behalf. It’s also actively listening and committing to consistently finding effective ways to gather public input and incorporate it into the decision making. That involves effective proactive two-way communication and that’s a cornerstone to the long-term goal of building a strong connected comfortable community in which people feel supported and pleased with their quality of life. I pride myself on being available for a phone call or a visit to take some time and talk and figure out what’s really important to you. (905) 246-5335

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