NewsNow E-Edition March 13 2025 – View Online

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Lianne Vardy, Ward 2, Grimsby 2022












Lianne Vardy, Ward 2, Grimsby 2022

This will be included in our online election feature verbatim.

Again, word count will be used. Glad to check any submissions if asked.

This is separate from the short-answer questions. Candidates can cover some of the same material. This forum is for candidates to have their say on any topic(s) they choose.

I am Lianne Vardy and I have lived in Grimsby for 7 years. My husband and I moved here when I retired from the federal government to help take care of my mother-in-law, who came to Grimsby with her husband 70 years ago as displaced persons after the war.

Most of my career was spent in public health and when I retired in 2015 I was the Associate Director General, Centre for Immunization and Infectious Respiratory Disease, Public Health Agency of Canada (the Agency responsible for COVID). 

I have extensive background in health program management working directly with health related NGO’s.  That’s where I learned the importance of consultation in order to develop effective programming.  This is why I listen to residents – and this is why I have fashioned my role as Councillor, as your voice at the table.  This is also why I want the town to return to Standing Committees with resident representation.  This will allow many skilled and knowledgeable residents to contribute and benefit the town.

During my term on Council I was the town representative to the Grimsby Energy Board. The new Board was tasked with determining the  Biodigester’s current state and options for moving forward. The facility was found to be $15m in debt and in contravention of several Ministry of Environment requirements.  The Board presented options to Council who in turn voted to sell. Through much effort, skill and expertise of the Board the Biodigester  was sold, its outstanding debts paid and a very reputable buyer found, who has since made significant investment in the enterprise, is in full MoE compliance and is paying taxes!

During my tenure I resolved the issue of Grimsby mountain residents having Beamsville addresses, I introduced the motion to have regular monitoring of Municipal drains, I sat on the Boards of Grimsby Power and the Art Gallery, I pushed for traffic calming on our streets and a sidewalk on Dorchester and Nelles Ave so children can safely walk to school.  I introduced the emergency motion to temporarily halt hunting until we can have a proper consultation with ALL residents, as the needs on the mountain differ from those below the escarpment. As well, I have been a strong advocate for responsible growth and Heritage preservation

Part of grimsby’s charm is all of its trees. We are fortunate to live in a somewhat  unique area of Canada that’s home to the Carolinian species.  This is why I introduced the motion to make Grimsby the Carolinian Capital of Canada.  It is now time to formally take stock of our natural assets for their promotion and protection.

I have always had the best interests of residents in mind. I enjoy contributing to my community and representing you. I hope that you will once again trust me with your vote. 

Let’s grow Grimsby together. 

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