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Ryan Day, Ward 3, Grimsby 2022

Ryan Day








Ryan Day, Ward 3, Grimsby 2022

Residents of Grimsby should vote for someone that cares as much about Grimsby’s future as they do. Someone they can rely on to answer their questions, know their concerns and get back to them. Make the right decisions for the future. Be that voice they can connect with. Someone that understands by-laws, budgets, roads, construction, development, parks, finance, procurement, inter-municipal relations and has sat on committees. Good leadership and understanding, how to work on a good team, and bring that good leadership. These are the things I can help Grimsby with while being a great Councillor to our Constituents.

Someone’s Conduct can affect good and bad change in any office. I would Foster good change and that comes from being respectful and listening to one another. No self-agendas. Understanding the task at hand and the concerns brought forward. We work as a team, not as an individual, using different skills and knowledge from various backgrounds so Council can collectively make it better for all of us.

Grimsby is facing a time where there is much uncertainty. There are concerns about Council, development, and the overall busyness of the town. What is Grimsby going to look like in 10 years, another 4 years? The town is changing right in front of us. It’s not what it used to be and for some, it’s concerning. For others, development has opened the door for new residents to live here. So the important matter facing Grimsby’s future is what the future of Grimsby will actually look like. I believe with good decisions we can make it what we want it to be.

Development is still a top concern with residents. Building is happening everywhere, wherever there’s a space, there’s an opportunity. We need to face this with negotiation. Make sure that what is being built is what the residents want to see. Low rise heritage looking design downtown. With more homes and residents the concerns of increasing traffic on our streets is a contributing factor. For traffic and design we may need to re-evaluate and makes changes, where feasible, to keep traffic moving and our community safe.

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