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West Lincoln By-Election – Ward 3 – Candidate Greg Maychak

West Lincoln, Ontario – 2024 Municipal By-Election

NewsNow is pleased to provide space for all by-election candidates who took the time to submit their views for voters in Grimsby, Lincoln & West Lincoln to consider. All submissions are published verbatim.







Greg Maychak

Why should I vote for you?

I listen. i work hard. I care about our community, my home of choice. And I have a proven track record of creating opportunities and solving problems. For 35 years, I worked in municipal government in Hamilton, my hometown, playing leading roles in sports and recreation. I worked closely with hundreds of community organizations and thousands of residents. I know from experience that we can do great things for people, and their neighbourhoods, when we work together. 


What do you think your strong suit as a councillor would be?

I know how municipalities work. More importantly, I know how to make a municipality work for people. It starts with respecting tax dollars and staying on budget. I’ve successfully led large projects by landing funding from private supporters and other levels of government. I know how to work with the rest of council, and city staff, to deliver positive results for you. if you have a problem, or an idea, I’ll listen and swing into action on your behalf.

What is the most important matter facing West Lincoln’s future?

It’s growth. I’ve been knocking on doors and I can tell you our neighbours are concerned about it. Here’s what they are saying:

1. We live here because we love Smithville’s peaceful charm and what property taxes are not out of control. These must be preserved.

2. Any additional growth must be done with public input.

3. If additional housing is on the way, it must be subject to smart and careful planning, to ensure it improves our services, roads and other infrastructure, without unnecessary costs. My priority is working with you to ensure growth works for us.

500-Word Candidate Comments

My name is Greg Maychak. And I’m your neighbour. My wife Lisa and I moved to Smithville several years ago, attracted by its beauty and unique character. While it’s close to major transportation routes, it seemed far away from the problems and pressures in bigger cities.

As we got to know our fellow residents, however, we came to understand West Lincoln has its share of challenges and our friends here have their own concerns.

One is the high cost of living. People want their municipality to keep property taxes as low as possible.

Another is the pace and scope of growth. They understand some construction is inevitable. It brings with it the potential to improve our roads and other infrastructure. And they know that development fees can help keep their taxes down.

But our neighbours want input into any growth. They want it to be carefully planned. Most of all, they want it to be measured. No one wants runaway sprawl.

As I’ve learned more and more from my neighbours, I’ve looked for a way to contribute to our community. When I saw a by-election for councillor was being held in our ward, I put my name forward.

 It’s a good fit. In my hometown of Hamilton, I spent 35 years working in municipal government, and thousands of volunteer hours making major events, programs and new facilities happen. My focus was on sports and recreation and providing opportunities to young people. I built programs, assisted leagues, and led contingents of athletes to national and international competitions.

I also learned how to stretch budgets by seeking private support and grants from other levels of government, how to solve problems and maximize opportunities, and how council and staff should work together on behalf of residents.

As I’ve gone door to door in this campaign, neighbors have asked where I sit on the political spectrum. I’m pragmatic. I’m not beholden to any political party; I’m here to work for you. I believe in respecting your hard-earned tax dollars and staying within carefully prepared budgets. So, I’m a fiscal conservative. But I’m also fiercely competitive: I want Smithville to be the best place to live, work, raise a family or enjoy a productive retirement.

I know you want that, too. I believe I can contribute. Not because I have all the answers, but because I know I will keep listening to you and learning from you in your best interest.

You can communicate with me by visiting Please drop me a note and share your views.

I’m asking for your vote on November 4th. You can vote at the Community Centre.

Thank you for considering me and thank you to NewsNow Niagara for providing us with this forum.

Greg Maychak, Ward 3 councillor elect in Smithville 

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