Beauty and the Bees
Erland Lee (Museum) Home 552 Ridge Rd, Stoney CreekBeauty and the Bees, April 20th, 10 am to Noon, $30/person. Join Denice as she tell you the 'Tales from the Hive' while you create a seed ball. The workshops […]
Beauty and the Bees, April 20th, 10 am to Noon, $30/person. Join Denice as she tell you the 'Tales from the Hive' while you create a seed ball. The workshops […]
Beamsville Women's Institute... join us for our next meeting, Tuesday, March 19th at 1:30 pm. Fleming Centre, 2nd Floor, Serena Drive, Beamsville. Refreshments included. Everything Irish, please wear green and […]
Antiques Roadshow Presented by The Grimsby Lions Club Four Certified, skilled individuals to complete the identification workshop. No pre-registration required. Bring your items down! Dig your way through a treasure […]